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About Diane



Accredited Practising Dietitian

I have over 30 years experience working as a Dietitian in both public and private sectors. I believe in early intervention. Insulin resistance is a pre diabetic state and also the route cause of many other metabolic problems. Lets focus on getting in early and  not waiting for the numbers to rise. Insulin resistance, pre diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, if caught early enough are all potentially reversible. Keeping your weight and waist under control through healthy eating and regular exercise is key. Being proactive with your own health care is essential!

I have first hand experience with family members living with Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and PCOS. I am passionate about helping people with these conditions - not limited to this of course!  I enjoy the challenge of finding out what motivates an individual to work toward living the life they really want to live! I love photography and hiking in nature!  What about you?

My philosophy is: "everybody loves food", so exercise, in some capacity, just has to be part of the equation! We need to enjoy our lives and that includes eating. We must keep things simple - that's really important. Key concepts...take home messages... I am very lucky to be working with a team of experts in all practices. I have also established a wonderful network of excellent medical and allied health professionals including GP's, Endocrinologists - both Adult and Paediatric, Paediatricians, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Credentialed Diabetes Educators and Exercise Physiologists - which facilitates great team communication for clients.

I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist and am bound by DA's code of ethics. In order to keep my accreditation valid I am involved in ongoing, Continuing Professional Development, which is assessed by Dietitians Australia each year.

Northern Beaches Diabetes & Weight Management

"Di the Dietitian" can be located at 

We can help with  

  • Diabetes

  • Weight Management

  • Living with PCOS 

  • Diet for lowering Lipids - TG's


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