Diane Munns is your Northern Beaches Dietitian
Tel: 0431-832-858
Enjoy Life
You need not give up all the foods you love because of your diabetes diagnosis. Learn how to eat well and enjoy life!
Weight Loss
I have many tools in my toolbox. No one size fits all!
Nutritious Diet
Based on whole unprocessed foods. Cooking from "scratch" Getting back to basics! Variety and lots of colour on your plate
Mental Health
You've heard about the GUT BRAIN Connection? Diet effects brain function - your ability to learn, remember and study and your mood. Improving your diet can improve your mental health.
Menu Planning
If you're not sure what you need, what you can eat, and how to shop for real foods, Di can help!

Diabetes diagnosis?
Have you heard conflicting advice about the right diabetes diet plan for you? Are you following the latest fad diet for weight loss? Do you know how to Carb Count and adjust insulin doses according to carbs, protein and fat intake? This is useful information whether you are on an insulin pump or using multiple daily injections. Are you finding there's just too much to take in and remember?
It's important to seek advice from a qualified dietitian (yes you can spell it dietician too!) and get the correct advice for you - whether it be for diabetes or weight loss or an individually tailored diet plan for another diet related health problem. Di specialises in all aspects of diabetes and weight management and can help you with your diet and lifestyle goals.
Most importantly, Di will work with you to manage your Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes diagnosis so that you can enjoy life!
Improve your diet,
Improve your mental health.
Can you improve the quality of your diet to decrease your risk of developing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety? Or if you have anxiety and depression, can you change your diet to improve your mental health?
Diet effects brain function - your ability to learn, remember and study as well as your mood. Find out how you can make positive dietary changes to improve not only your physical health but so very importantly, your mental health as well.

Living with PCOS?
PCOS can be a worrying diagnosis. Symptoms include irregular periods, higher levels of male hormones, excess hair growth and acne. While weight is not part of the diagnostic criteria for PCOS, many women do struggle to keep their weight down due to the 'hungry hormones' produced by the underlying insulin resistance.
Changing your Diet and Lifestyle is a very effective way to control your PCOS symptoms. If you suspect your daughter or maybe yourself has PCOS, it's so important that you are assessed properly by an endocrinologist and educated by a dietitian who understands PCOS.