Diane Munns is your Northern Beaches Dietitian
Tel: 0431-832-858
All appointments are on an individual basis. A family member, partner or friend is always welcome to attend the appointment with you if you wish. Two pairs of ears can often be very helpful depending on the nature of your appointment.
You do not require a referral from your GP to see your dietitian, however it is always extremely helpful if there is relevant medical history that the GP can provide including medications you are currently taking and any recent blood tests that may have been performed. A referral also facilitates communication between all health care professionals on your health care team.
When you ring to make an appointment, if you would kindly tell the receptionist the nature of your appointment eg. I have newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, or I need help with how to lose weight, or I need assistance with a Gluten Free Diet as I have just been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. This just enables me to better prepare for your appointment.
It is always helpful, if prior to your appointment, you have thought about what you actually want to get out of your appointment/s. Appointments will then be better tailored to suit your specific needs. On your initial appointment day, we ask you to arrive 5 - 10 minutes earlier to complete a patient data sheet.
If you do not want to be weighed, say so! There are many other methods of assessing progress. This is your appointment!

It's about you!
Initial & Follow Up Appointments
After the initial consultation, follow up appointments are discussed and frequency determined by both you and your pracititioner.
Some people benefit from weekly visits initially and others find monthly visits sufficient. This is reviewed as various goals are achieved and how "in control" you feel about the goals you are still working toward.
Food and exercise diaries are important tools for many, others prefer to work using principles.
Remember, it's "all about YOU". Express your needs and your concerns. How do you work best when making lifestyle changes?